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77% of applicants get accepted

The location is Boulder, CO West

This is a Public university

About 27,846 students are enrolled

45% of the school's population is women

55% of the school's population is men

11% of the schools population is hispanic

Housing is offered for your first year you are require to live there and if you were to transfer it's an  option

Test required for admissions may be essays, SAT or ACT, SAT subject test

There is an essay required and it should just be to let them know more about you.

There are no additional material required for admission 

The average gpa is 3.56-4.0

In-state tuition is $12,086

Out-of -state tuition is $36,220

The estimated cost of room and board is $14,000

There is no EMT program which I was interested in

Some student support services they offer are navigating campus, community resources, etc.\

They also do offer more than 450 clubs to be involved in

There also is a high school current program for us to be involved in.

There are many scholarships to apply to starting from October 1 to February 15

47% of applicants get accepted

The location is Albuquerque, NM Southwest

This is a public university

About 20,215 students are enrolled

About 9,521 students are males and about 11,826 students are females

There is housing offered if needed

Test required for admissions is the SAT or ACT

There is no essay required for admission

There is no additional material required for admission

The average GPA is a 3.38

In-state tuition is $7,146

Out-of -state tuition is $22,037

The estimated room and board cost is $9,662

They do have an excellent EMT program which I am interested in

For student support system they help you graduate and have a sss trio system

They do have some clubs and you can also create clubs

They do have an engineering program and a research learning program

They have the regents scholarship for non-residents withe the deadline for December 1

53% of applicants are accepted

The location is Denver, Co West

This is a private university

About 5,754 students are enrolled

About 2,667 students are males and about 3,091 students are females

There is housing offered in the first 2 years

Test required are essays, SAT or ACT

There are no specific prompts for the essay

There are no additional requiremetns

The average GPA is a 3.71

In-state tuition is $48,669

Out-of -state tuition is $48,669

The estimated room and board cost is $12,612

They do have EMT which i was intrested in

For student support services they help with health, safety and well being

There are around 70 clubs

They have a high school early experience program

They have a couple different scholarships for diffrent people

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