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I’ve been doing different volunteering opportunities for about 3 years now. The one activity I always love doing is translating. The reason I love translating is because ever since I first started learning English I also started translating anything and everything for my parents from ordering at McDonalds to translating phone calls. Whenever possible I also translate for random people at stores hospitals etc.. Just the thanks I receive back from random people I've translated to brings me joy. One opportunity I got to translate was actually at the beginning of the school year at registration. In the beginning I thought I was just there to check over the paperwork making sure everything had been filled out. The more the day went through I saw that some Hispanic families sometimes struggled a bit more to fill the papers because they either didn't understand the papers or even the person who would help them and that's where I come in. Once I saw them struggling I moved to the end of the table where I would let families know I was available to help them fill out the papers or if they needed me to translate and explain anything. As soon as I started letting families know I was helping with translating a line started to form. During the time I helped I’d get asked about my age which would then surprise people. The would tell me they are so happy that someone my age took their time to help out in this way. I heard this from a couple of people and it filled my heart with joy. During this volunteering experience I went through the highlight of being able to help out people who genuinely needed it and also for them to know that there are teens out there willing to help their community. Although most of the day was a highlight of its own I also did go through a couple challenges along the way. One of the challenges I faced during this experience was that although I was helping in some way, people who were completely done and ready to get their paperwork checked in order to leave would get mad. There were people who would just cut in line just to be able to leave. I had to have a lot of patience and obviously had to get someone else to be helping with those who didn't need the translating so there wouldn't be people getting mad over the wait. Despite the challenges, the joy of being able to help people from my community is reward enough. With this volunteering experience I have gained so much knowledge. I learned how to interact more professional than normal with people, I strengthen both of my languages and I practice my public speaking. I gain experience for the future, confidence in myself, gratitude. All of this is why I love translating plus I make my family proud knowing that I don't forget my first language. It's always an honor to be able to translate for someone.

Translating at STRIVE

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